Accountability | Transparency | Trust
The mission of the Hamden Democratic Town Committee (HDTC) is twofold. We endorse and elect candidates at the local, state and national level who are committed to serving our community with the highest level of professionalism, integrity, inclusivity, accountability, transparency and trust. We support and promote progressive democratic values.
We pledge to hold our elected officials and their appointees accountable for ensuring excellence in government services and in stewardship of government resources for all Hamden residents and businesses.
To enrolled members of the Democratic Party of the Town of Hamden, Connecticut: Pursuant to the Rules of the Democratic Party and State election laws, you are hereby notified that a caucus will be held on: January 16 at 7PM at the following locations:
District 1– Thornton Wilder Auditorium (2901 Dixwell Ave),
District 2– Church St school (95 Church St)
District 3– Helen St school (285 Helen St),
District 4– Spring Glen School (1908 Whitney Ave)
District 5– Board of Education (60 Putnam Ave),
District 6– Ridge Hill School (120 Carew Rd)
District 7– Dunbar Hill School (315 Lane St),
District 8– Bear Path School (10 Kirk Rd)
District 9– West Woods School (350 West Todd St)
To endorse candidates for the Hamden Democratic Town Committee and to transact other business as may be proper to come before said caucus.
January 9 2024
Sean Grace
Chair, Hamden Democratic Town Committee
The Hamden Democratic Town Committee invited anyone interested in receiving the Democratic endorsement for Mayor, Town Clerk, Town Council and Board of Education in the upcoming municipal election to submit responses to a candidate questionnaire.