Accountability   |   Transparency   |   Trust


The mission of the Hamden Democratic Town Committee (HDTC) is twofold. We endorse and elect candidates at the local, state and national level who are committed to serving our community with the highest level of professionalism, integrity, inclusivity, accountability, transparency and trust. We support and promote progressive democratic values.

We pledge to hold our elected officials and their appointees accountable for ensuring excellence in government services and in stewardship of government resources for all Hamden residents and businesses.

HDTC members and supporters are as diverse as the community we serve.


HDTC Goals

  • Educate Hamden voters about Democratic causes, policies and values
  • Expand the base of registered Democratic voters in Hamden and increase voter participation
  • Get Democrats elected and appointed to local, state, and federal offices and commissions
  • Advance Democratic values and priorities that advance social and economic justice
  • Foster trust among Hamden residents by pledging and adhering to professionalism and transparency in governance
  • Provide support for the members of our community most in need through activism and volunteering
  • Promote accessibility and ensure people from all backgrounds feel welcome in Hamden.
  • Empower everyone to participate in the decisions that impact our town

HDTC Responsibilities

  • Thoughtfully consider and select the endorsed candidates for Mayor, Town Council, Board of Education and Judge of Probate.
  • Ensure that our elected and appointed Democrats at the town, state and federal levels maintain the confidence of Hamden’s registered Democrats by demanding professionalism, integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability for their promises and obligations and for upholding our shared democratic party causes, policies and values.
  • Select Democratic State Central Committee representatives and delegates to conventions.
  • Plan, support and attend fundraisers.
  • Identify and lease space for campaign headquarters during election years and pay for other campaign resources such as internet and voter databases.
  • Provide guidance to State representatives on State legislation and policies affecting Hamden finances and voters.
  • Register Democratic voters.
  • Encourage broad engagement of democratic volunteers in primary and election campaigns and on Town boards and commissions.
  • Provide forums for democrats to debate and discuss Town public issues.

Democratic Causes, Policies and Values

  • Promoting social and economic equality
  • Protecting the environment
  • Strengthening the social safety net
  • Ensuring voting rights
  • Protecting minority rights, including LGBT rights
    right to peaceful protest
  • A balance of power across government branches
  • Officials face serious consequences for misconduct
  • Respectful political debate and respecting the views of those who are not in the majority
  • Judges are not influenced by political perspective
  • Government is competent, responsive, open and transparent
  • Money cannot buy political or judicial influence
  • Unbiased news media and shared acceptance of basic facts